Saturday, July 20, 2013

Whitehorse, YT – Just Shopping and Touring

July 20, 2013

Today was chores first, like shopping for groceries.  Then we did some local sightseeing, first to Miles Canyon of the Yukon River. The Canyon is quite pretty with stone column formations along the edge.

Miles Canyon - Downstream...note column formations in rock

Miles Canyon - Upstream

Donna & Ktherine on Footbridge

The columns


We then went on to the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Center. For those who don’t recognize “Beringia,” This is the lost sub-continent that formed during the last ice age 70,000 years ago. Beringia was comprised of western Siberia, the now Bering Sea, and the Yukon part of Alaska. The area was an artic desert with minimal moisture fall and remained ice free. Eastern and southern Alaska and all east and south were covered with ice 1-5 KM thick. Beringia was grassy arctic plains that hosted Woolly Mammoths and other critters and early human hunters. This is not a big museum but has many fossil skeletons and displays. Human existence with the Woolly Mammoths has been documented.

Katherine and Donna

Nice Kitty-Kitty!

Woolly Mammoth

This is our final day in Whitehorse. Another day would have been nice, but…it is what it is. I have now survived over 1 month with no TV, no Newspaper, none of the political B.S. and I LOVE IT!!! :-)))))))

Whitehorse International Airport Weather Vane

Just another lake near Whitehorse

Whitehorse, YT - The white cliffs, are not Dover, but accumulated Glacial dust eroded by the Yukon River

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