Friday, July 12, 2013

Calgary – Stampede Parade and Heritage Park

July 5, 2013

Today was the opening of The 2013 Calgary Stampede, otherwise known locally as The Come Hell or High Water Stampede. Two weeks ago the site was under water and the Mayor made his now famous come hell or high water the Stampede goes on comment. The Stampede is the World’s Largest Rodeo.

Downtown Calgary

Clydesdale drawn Stage Coach

Senior Citizens Band and Majorettes


The opening is celebrated with the Stampede Parade. We had reserved seating in bleachers towards the end of the route. Luckily our bus driver got us within a couple of blocks of our seats. We had at least an hour wait before the parade came by us but were entertained by various pre-parade units that gave short performances then moved on down the route. Just so happened there was a Tim Horton’s in the building behind us so we had fresh donuts to carry us through.


There were about 120 units in the Parade including many bands, horse riding groups, antique horse drawn carriages and wagon, bands galore, antique cars, military, police and fire units, and civic organizations.

Bull Rider


Our second stop of the day was Heritage Park. We started out there with an excellent relaxing lunch of salad, Cornish Game Hen, and a totally decadent chocolate dessert with whipped cream garnished with a strawberry and gooseberry. That was so filling a lot of us old fogies were ready for a nap.


After lunch we split into two groups for a guided tour of the park which features a recreated 1910 era typical Canadian prairie town, complete with steam train service. Most of the town businesses were open, especially the bakery (raisin bread came home) and ice cream parlor. There was also a fantastic antique car and gasoline pump museum.

Is that another SECOND Dessert, Jeff?

Old Town Street

Old Town Main Street

Gasoline Alley

Two Beautiful Car.  Can I have one, puleeeze?

Need gasoline? Let me see. Canadian law - all pumped gas had to be seen by customer!

Did I mention scheduled Steam Train Service? 


We just made it back to the campground and our rigs and the rain started. We are now having heavy rain and thunder. Tomorrow looks to be rainy so we’ll see…if we don’t get washed of the hillside tonight.

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