Monday, July 15, 2013

Dawson Creek, BC – Milepost “0”

July 14, 2014

At 9 am we all traveled into town for our group and individual pictures in front of Milepost “0”.  After that session we went out to breakfast with others to a local spot suggested by the visitor center hostess. Great food for us to eat and lots of it.  We went back to the Visitors Center to watch the documentary on the building of the Alaska Highway. That is  a must do to understand what we are about to start tomorrow. After going through the Center with its mini- museum we decided to drive up the Alaska Highway (AH) to see the original curved wooden bridge from the WWII era. This section is no longer part of the AH due to a new modern bridge upstream several miles. It is the longest wooden bridge in Canada still being used (with weight restrictions.

Katherine, Donna, & Charlie at Milepost "0"

Our Caravan Group Picture

Art Gallery in the old grain elevator and Visitors Center (old Dawson Creek Train Station) next to it.

Our Caravan Leaders - Jim, Cherril, Sue, & Stu

Old curved wooden bridge, part of the Original Alaska Highway from 1942 that crosses the Kriskatinaw River

Another bridge shot

Dawson Creek and Canola field 


At 4PM the bus picked us up at the campground for our evening dinner at a Wild Game Farm.  We had a great drive through the yellow Canola fields of BC. Dinner was wild game…Elk lasagna, Moose Swiss steak, and sweet and sour Razorback Hog with all the fixings. All were great eating and tasty, we managed to eat too much again. The desserts were equally fantastic with several to have, note well I did not say choose from! All were different and left one desirous of seconds or more, RIGHT JEFF. The Rhubarb pie was my favorite.

View from the Picnic Tables


Afterwards we walked around the wild game pens to see the different wild animals they raise, Caribou, Elk, various types of sheep, Mountain goats, Razorback Hogs, a Texas Long horn, and a big shaggy Golden Retriever named Spike who runs the whole spread. The pictures will tell the story, especially of Spike and a fearless 3 day old Razorback piglet that runs about 30mph. There are some close encounters with a Bull Elk and a Cow Elk. The Long Horn shares a pen with the Razorbacks. The owner told me he is very gentle with the piglets and has never stepped on one. The older Razorbacks try to steal his feed. He picks them up with his horns and tosses them back over his shoulder. He has never gored one although he could easily. They also raised a Big Horn Ram who lived until 15 years old. They have him mounted in the gift shop…stunning, magnificent horns that a significantly bigger than the current world record for his wild brethren.

Musk Ox - Warning Do Not Enter - He's bigger than you and can outrun you too!

Bull Elk - Well you did say you wanted a closeup!

Texas Longhorn Steer - Treat the piglets well, never has stepped on one. The adults get near his food, he pitches them back over his shoulder.


The Lord and Master of the Realm "Spike" herding an escapee from the Razorback pen. The piglet is 3 days old and must run at 25 mph. You ought to see him confront Spike nose to nose! NO FEAR! 

And on the way home, another beautiful surprise photo-op!

A grand old barn is a Canola Field

And I guess and old house too. Two doors?


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