Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tok to Fairbanks, AK - And Katherine's Birthday too

July 26, 2013

Yes we celebrated the most important event of the day, Katherine’s 35th Birthday. We got a ½ sheet Red Velvet Cake from Freddie Meyer and celebrated at our Happy Hour.

The Birthday Girl

Amanda Dostie, Katherine's friend.

 The pictures below are of fellow travelers enjoying the cake.

The drive north was noteworthy in that we completed driving the Alaska Highway. We also enjoyed good roads and better weather with great views of the Alaska Range to the south and west of us. Our campground for the next 5 nights is Rivers Edge Resort on the Chena River, a great place to stay on a fantastic river.

A beautiful view from a roadside pull-out

Alaska Range Mountains - ignore the bridge support and the fact I stopprd on the bridge to take this one.


Alaska Range Mountains and Tanana River


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