Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Alaskan Highway (Day 2) – Fort Nelson, BC to Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park

July 16, 2013
We got another early start, too early as we left before the Wagonmaster and arrived here before him, a NO-NO. Today was about the prettiest ride to date. We had one hard climb, up Steamboat Mountain, the rest of the bad ones being downhill. Our first stop was for road construction just past the summit. We had about a 10 minute wait, not bad.


Our second stop was the Tetsa River Lodge for “cinnamon buns,” the really big variety about 6” diameter and 2” thick dripping with hot brown sugar/butter syrup. They were hot out of the oven too. Everybody had one. Urrrp! The Lodge is known as the “Cinnamon bun center of the Galactic Cluster.” These were almost as good as Cathy Dassler’s Recipe for Sticky Buns.  I should have bought another for tomorrow’s breakfast, slice it like a bagel or English Muffin, slather it with butter, fry until golden brown, then butter it and eat.

Cinnamon Bun Palace


Our next adventure was Stone Mountain Provincial Park. As advertised we saw our first Stone Sheep. These are brown colored but otherwise are similar to Big Horn Sheep with curled horns. They only live in northern British Columbia and the southern Yukon Territory. The grouping included 8 sheep with the big daddy uphill on the left watching his flock. Donna took the picture.  Down the hill a bit was another group. The ram with this group had 360 horns, which slightly curled out at the tip. I only got a side shot of this big fella.  Our next park was Muncho Lake Provincial Park. The lake has very blue, tropical looking, water. We also saw and got a picture of an adolescent bull moose. He was growing horns but not very big. The bear (black) and the young Caribou we saw were not photographed.

Stone Mountain - There are several similar mountains in the area.


Stone Sheep - Nice ram with mom and young.

A real nice Stone Sheep Ram - Trophy? He'd look good on my wall!

At this point I was cocky about the horror story of construction when reality hit.  We found it as the backup started moving as we approached. We had a long drive over a dusty compacted gravel surface. The picture does not do justice as to how dusty it was. I lost sight of the tractor-trailer about 100 yds in front of me!


An even bigger Stone Sheep Ram - A full 360 degree set of horns!

We arrived at our overnight campground in Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park. OH yes we braved the mosquitos and horse flies for a dip and it was fantastic and relaxing. We are sitting inside our rig with windows and door shut. The Ranger just came by armed with a shotgun(flash/bang, rubber bullet and magnum kill rounds) and pistol warning us of a bear nearby and to stay indoors and not cook outdoors! They are aggressive on scaring off bears near campgrounds. Pan fried rib eye is for dinner tonight.

Muncho Lake

North End of Muncho Lake

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