Saturday, July 13, 2013

R & R


July 12, 2013

Rest and relaxation today. We did not get up until 8:15am. We had some errands to do: Canadian Tire – check out Service Engine light on car, running too cold. I may need new thermostat someday, but light staying off for now. Booze store – out of Tanqueray Gin, Safeway. Stu came by this am we finally got all the lights working on the TOAD. Hallelujah!


Donna took Katherine to do the Beaver Walk this afternoon and they saw a beaver, new critter for our list. I stayed home to do blog posting and cook 2 big racks of pork ribs for potluck tonight. I will have to do that again by popular request. Dinner was just like the Dogwoods, enough food for twice as many. We exchanged summer for winter clothes so it will probably warm up. It’s 8:12PM and the sun is still high in the sky but I am going to bed shortly as we have 285mi of 2-lane country road tomorrow. Dawson Creek and Milepost 0, here we come. Now the fun begins.
July 13, 2013
We made it to Dawson Creek. I'm not sure what I expected, but this is different. Rolling hills and fields of Canola that are bright yellow. I'll take a picture tomorrow and post it here. The drive up was uneventful with rain almost the entire drive. The car was coated with dirt and mud. We saw 14 deer, a Caribou, and a Red Fox.


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