Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dawson City – The local scene, shopping, and Toeing the Line

July 23, 2013

After our meeting this morning, the Jefferies, Dosties, Roberts and us went over to the Chinese Restaurant at the Midnight Sun Hotel to feast on their breakfast special ($6.95). Ok, so it was only two eggs, ham, bacon or sausage, pan fries and toast, but it IS the cheapest meal in town! Jeff spotted it yesterday! A number of us were chatting and we concluded it really does not get dark up here. We have a twilight night. No problem sleeping when you are bone tired and perhaps just a leetle inebriated.

Yukon River from the deck of the S.S. Keno


Our goal for the day was to visit the stores and a number of historic places in town. We got onto the paddle wheeler S.S. Keno just before closing at noon. This was a smaller version of the Klondike we saw in Whitehorse. She left service in 1959.


We got our shopping done afterwards as Donna got her Yukon Gold Nugget pendant and I got my mammoth ivory carving. ;-)) It was then time to head up to Robert Service’s cabin for a visit and a Park Ranger’s program talking about Robert Service and reading some of his more memorable verses. As a side note, Robert Service considered himself NOT to be a poet! That hour went very fast with some great verse reading and stories of Robert Service. Tomorrow we head up Top of the World and Taylor Highways to Chicken, Alaska.

Robert Service Cabin

Our Parks Canada Ranger doing an excellent series of readings of Robert Service Works.


Finished? Well, not quite. There is this not so small matter of the “Sourtoe Cocktail” at the Bar in the “Downtown Hotel.” It seems there is this quaint little local tradition of becoming an acceptable member of society in Dawson City. My Certificate (Member #50845) reads:

In recognition that Charlie Parfitt in the presence of witnesses drank an authentic “Sourtoe Cocktail,” thereby following in the wayward (even staggering) footstep of Captain River Rat has proven to be a person capable of almost anything, and is therefore full entitled to bear this certificate with such rights & privileges as may at any drunken moment be decided upon. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand (or my seal, or made my mark, or whatever I was capable of at the time).

Dated: July 23, 2013                                  Signed: Capt. Dick, Capt. River Rat, Yukon River Tours


So what is a Sourtoe Cocktail? Quite simply it is a shot of Yukon Jack Whiskey into which is placed a severed human to that has been “pickled in a jar of o.p. rum.”

There sits The Toe! Note that the toenail is visible.

Soon to be Capt. Chukka contemplating the future!

One must drink the whiskey in one gulp and kiss the toe with one’s lips. Pictures document the completion of this stupendous event.

When in the Yukon BE A SOURTOE if you can't be a Sourdough!

Down the hatch...not the damn finger you fool!

Me and Capt. Dick - note the finger is still in the glass.

Donna was a witness and will attest to my steadfastness in completing this task. As well as me, three other members of our Caravan also joined this elite group.


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