Sunday, July 7, 2013

North to Canada

July 2, 2013

After some electrical system troubleshooting with toad lights we got out of Great Falls around 10am.  That was quite a bit later than expected. The drive north to the Port at Sweetgrass was uneventful with only about a ½ in line. Entry was 4-5 simple questions and “have a good day.”  


After our travel meeting, two other couple and us headed south down to Waterton Lakes National Park that is the Canadian continuation of our Glacier National Park. On the way in we stopped to take some photos and spotted a black bear down in the tall prairie grass. He eventually came up onto a bike path heading towards us and then crossed the road. He was close enough to get good pictures. The best part was we won the $5 prize from the tail gunner for the first bear photo.


After dinner in town we split up and we headed out to the road to Red Rock Canyon. We didn’t have to go far before we ran across another bunch of parked cars. There we spotted another cinnamon colored bear browsing the hillside. Another couple of miles there was yet a third bear. This one was jet black. We aren’t sure what they were eating, but both kept their heads down munching away.


One the way out at the intersection with the main road I spotted two mule deer bucks. They came quite close (25 yards) and seemed totally uninterested in our presence. These pictures were taken at 9:45PM! One the rest of the drive home we were treated to an extended gorgeous yellow, orange, and red sunset and a million bugs.

The $5 from Stu shot, Brown Bear

Bear #2, Also Cinnamon colored

Bear #2

Bear # 3 Looked to be jet black

Waterton Lakes National Park

At the end of Red Rock Canyon Road

Evening darkens the mountain

Mule Deer Buck in Velvet - taken at 9:45PM

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