Monday, July 15, 2013

The Alaska Highway (Part 1) or Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson, BC

July 15, 2013

So what is the Alaska Highway like? Well, it is definitely not what Wade Bunting and I would have encountered in 1969 if that silly (4-letter word) concept of work or jobs had not interfered. We would have faced one totally gravel, dusty, muddy road! This section was totally paved, with most sections better than Northern Virginia roads. Ok, there was wash-boarding in one section and some dust, but 56mi/hr was comfortable. So what did we see…lots and lots of trees, up and down, and not much else. The only significant wildlife sightings by us were several Sand Hill Cranes by the side of the road in some wet areas. You  do NOT want to go off the roadway as soft mud was quite evident.
Best part was “cheap gas” courtesy our campground, Triple G. We only paid C$1.42/L or C$5.37/gal! The price at other stations in town was C$1.56/L or C$5.90/gal. I’ll take a $0.53/g. discount any day! British Columbia has been totally Californicated as they tax the He-- out of everything. Gas should be cheaper in Yukon and Alaska. Yes they have a lot of oil like Alberta too. Oh well, it’s only money. Tomorrow promises to be “Rocky Road” as there is a lot of road re-construction. Up here they let traffic be the rollers to compact subsurface, then pave it with oil and chipped rock. Fun! Fun! Fun!

We had time this afternoon to visit the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum just down the road. The Museum is a must see for every old thing you can imagine. The best is the antique car collection, including a 1908 Buick, several Packards and Studebakers. All run!!! The 1908 Buick made the round trip from here to Whitehorse for the 50th Anniversary of the Alaska Highway in 1992! The old gent proprietor has this articulated bicycle that goes down the road almost sideways. I would NOT try it! There are also several old Ft. Nelson buildings and about every other motorized vehicle
imaginable and lot’s of other “stuff.”

Fort Nelson Heritage Museum

Bus ride anybody?

1908 Buick - Runs great, all original except new paint.

Note the spry old gent riding the crazy articulated bike sideways! By the way he owns all this and most everything runs!

Trappers cabin with designated tourists - Katherine and Donna

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