Saturday, July 20, 2013

Alaska Highway (Day 3) – Liard Hot Springs to Watson Lake, Yukon Territory.

July 17, 2013

This would have been a good day for Susie and Tim as we saw lots of wild Bison (buffalo). The first was a large herd of 50 or more, with many young ones included. These guys plod wherever and whenever the mood strikes them and moving vehicles don’t scare them. They like to sleep in the road thus can be a real hazard after dark. Other than the bison, there wasn’t much new to see. Good thing the drive was only 129 mi.

Bison (Buffalo) - We saw many bison of this stretch of road. These are wild herds established years ago by the Canadian Government.

Mom and Young'un


After arrival in Watson Lake we visited the Sign Forrest as a group to put up the sign one of our co-traveler made for us. We all signed it. Donna made our own aluminum pie pan sign and put that up. Note to Tony and Janey…make a good sign to put up before you retire.

Geez! This place is big!

Our Tail Gunner Stu braving the dizzying heights to screw up our sign.

WOW! It's up!

Our sign! Signed by us all. Ours is in the lower right corner

Another of us putting up his sign.


Almost 79,000 signs now!


Donna and Katherine

Afterwards we went to the visitors Center to get our Yukon Passports. We got 3 stamps here in town. We also visited the airport and the old historic terminal and hanger from WWII. This was a major stopover for aircraft being ferried to Russia.

Old Hangar from days when there was commercial air service.

WWII Era Terminal Building and Tower - Now a museum.

Hey, they do carry a whole lots of stuff! T'aint Walmart or Macy's!


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