Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 1 of the Caravan

Monday, July1, 2013

Today is day one! That means we had our official orientation and first travel briefing. We are starting out the trip with 20 rigs and 46 people. We loose 2 after Calgary. We signed up for River rafting in Denali and I am going fishing in Homer for halibut and salmon in Seward. Might have to go get some Dramamine. Tomorrow we hit the bricks! The Wagonmaster leaves at 8:30 am and we can leave any time thereafter. The Show is on.

However, before that I had another "blue job." It seems somewhere on the drive west I hit a pot hole or something. Who knows where? Anyway, some minor thumping on the last day and some minor unusual tire wear alerted me to take it in for a check. I took it in Saturday morning and again this am for an alignment appointment. It was slightly off. I hope we are now ready to go! The good thing was it only cost $115! I don't want to think what that would cost back in good ol' Fairfax. While I was doing that Donna finished up her "pink job" - laundry. Another caravan-speak we learned was "LEO" or Let's Eat Out!

Last night we had an interesting visitor (Graham) stop by, a very nice young man tent camping with his girl friend (Catherine). They live in Calgary. He works in Insurance and she is studying Nursing while working at the Fairmont Hotel. In our conversation he told us about his second "job" as the Calgary Flames Mascot "Hound Dog." He is definitely not an "Ovie" fan for you DC area readers.

By the way Mary Jo, that grin is getting bigger! ;-))))

1 comment:

  1. Do you still have same rig? Watch out for flying rocks from vehicles ahead. Friends of ours had some damage. Good fishing, fish there is fabulous.
