Friday, July 12, 2013

Bacon Stuffed Flapjacks and Deep Fried Oreos

July 6, 2013

We had an early start this am (0745) to head to downtown Calgary. We got dropped off right downtown in the middle of the flood area. No visible evidence of the flood was visible except first floor businesses that are still closed. The Saturday morning venue is free bacon stuffed flapjack from a large number of stands on the pedestrian mall. These are simply put…”dee-licious.” Apparently the recipe contains a bit of syrup as the flapjacks a just a little sweet. You get them hot off the grill plopped on paper napkins.  Then you just enjoy them, no syrup, no butter. I ate only 4, Katherine 3, Donna only two???? There were also a number of street vendors selling all kinds of stuff.

Street Flapjack Flipper


At 10 am we visited the Benbow Art Museum. This was a very nice smaller museum that focuses on Canadian history and art. An hour was plenty for our visit.


Mosaic from the Benbow

Our next stop was the Stampede Park. We had time for lunch or munchies and shopping. Normally the shopping is indoors, but not this year because of the flood. Everything was outside or in tents, shelters, etc. There was just about every food imaginable. There was a Carnival with rides too. I had heard about the deep fried Oreos.  They are breaded then deep fried and are very good! I passed on the Poutaine.

Downtown Calgary - Donna, Jack & Amanda Dostie, Katherine, and Berry Dostie.  The Dostie's are from Ohio.


Bow River and Calgary from Stampede Grounds Bridge

We continued to the Grandstand for the Rodeo. We had fantastic seats on the fifth level overlooking the grounds but center stage. These were not nosebleed! The Rodeo was great with all the traditional events preceded by a daredevil motorcycle show. The show ended about 4PM and we just got back on the bus when the next deluge hit. The temperatures dropped into the low 50’s with wind, but the front came through just before we got home. I did finally get to email and Facebook tonight. Maybe in the am I will post some back blogs with pictures, but not this one.  No pix downloaded. It’s 10PM and beddy-bye time.

Go man Go!  Great ride...see his feet down by and in contact with the horse's shoulder. Good score too.

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