Saturday, August 3, 2013

Denali National Park

August 1, 2013

Today was a day that happens to only other people, so I guess I’m one of “Them” now. Not only did we have outstanding weather, but spectacular views of the Alaska Range of Mountains including the biggie Mt. McKinley (as NPS insists on calling it) or just Denali, lots of wild life and many up close up too. The drive is very long, 95 miles in to Kantishna that consists of private lodges outside the “wilderness area.” We had a great day despite the bus driver from hell who got us started 1/2 hour late, refused to stop or even slow down to allow us to take the best pictures of Denali and nearby peaks on the way up. Taking pictures out the window of a bus speeding far in excess of the posted 30 mph limit is impossible and results in many wasted shots. We did however stop for photo-ops every time we spotted wildlife. Go figure!!! I’m going to stop venting and just put up the pictures that did come out. By the way I took over 200 photos.

Dall Sheep on the mountain top. The usual way one sees these.

Momma Grizzly bear and 2 cubs

The bus driver condescended to stop briefly. That is Denali without a cloud on it.

A bit further on where we had to stop to let another bus pass. Here you can see some of the neighboring mountains, Mt Koven, Mt. Brooks.

Ref Fox with ground squirrel lunch

Mt Koven


Denali's Neighbors

Denali with clouds beginning to form.

The road into the interior

The Alaska Range

Wonder Lake

Reflection Cove with Moose feeding and Denali behind

Our stop for lunch

After lunch our group participates in vigorous activities.

Well, we did break for a much needed stretch and food. Other activities at the resort were open to us, some participated, some did not. Than it was back on the bus and our long drive home.

Young Ptarmigan

Caaribou Buck


Pretty mountains

Grizzly Bear Family

Outrun a grizzly? I don't think so. They are just ambling at about 20 mph

Super Highway in Denali

Neat looking clouds

Dall Sheep rams right beside bus

OK, our bus driver is forgiven. We just had too good a day to complain. I have no idea what we did to get that kind of weather AND wildlife cooperation.

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