Sunday, August 25, 2013

Skagway, AK – White Pass and Yukon Train Ride

August 23, 2013

This was an optional trip that most took, so we had a car reserved just for us. The weather wasn’t the greatest but we had fun as the car was all Caravan folks. We had both ends of the car to use and took turns at the rail so all got photos. We did the round trip to the summit and back, so no Passports and Customs. We also had the advantage that the Brakeman and the Guides spent some extra time with us chatting and answering questions.

No. 52...I did it, I'm retired

No. 69...I still do it! When they let me!!!

Round the bend again!


Over the bridge and through...the tunnel!


The old curved bridge!

We made it!

Ed and Jeff!

We had dinner out that night. I had a seafood combo that was disappointing as it was breaded and not well. We should have gotten pizza since it was a pizza parlor.


Skagway, AK to Watson Lake, YT

August 24, 2013

This was our last long day with over 300 miles to drive, go through Canadian Customs, and lose an hour. We are now back on Pacific Time. Canadian Customs was a snap as we chatted more than answer questions. We had the same agent and I think she did the entire Caravan both ways. She kind of knew who we were. The high point of the day was our Sandwich Dinner. We all contributed lunch meat and or cheese and the staff made salads. It turned out to be a great dinner in my opinion as I enjoyed it immensely.



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