Sunday, August 25, 2013

August 16-20, 2013 - Text Only

Text only in this post. Internet connectivity non-existant in last 2 campgrounds. Will post additional post each day individually with pictures when connectivity is available.
Valdez, AK – Cruise to Prince William Sound, Columbia Glacier, and Meares Glacier

August 16, 2013

This was a long 9 hour cruise that was supposed to go only to the Sound and Meares Glacier. But since the weather was rainy in the sound, our Captain took us into see Columbia Glacier. We did not go in very far, but could see this fast retreating glacier. On our way we saw sea otters, Bald Eagles, some Stellar Sea Lions, and numerous birds. We also slowed to watch the purse seine fleet in action as they went after pink salmon.


We finally made it in to see Meares Glacier. It is an impressive sight to see and this one is advancing at a rate of 30’ per year. The glacier front is ½ mile wide and 300’ high. We saw a number of calving events and were able to clearly hear the groaning and crunching of the ice. We went in the ¼ mile from the front 3 different times as the wind (cold) pushed us away. The brash ice was dotted with hundreds of seals. We went over to pick up some ice to see on deck and got quite close to several who appeared unconcerned by our presence so close. The pictures show how blue the ice can be.


On our way back our captain searched far and wide for whales and porpoises. We did stop at an island to see puffins (both varieties) and a Stellar Sea Lion rookery containing hundreds of sleeping sea lions. As we headed back to Valdez we spotted Dall Porpoises. We slowed to 10 knots and they obliged by playing in our bow wake. We finally spotted some humpback whales not far from Valdez so we spent some time watching a female with her calf.


This cruise was with Stan Stephens and was far superior to the last cruise we took in Seward. This boat had comfortable seating with ample room both inside and outside. The inside temperature was perfect with no window fogging or leaking water. The lunch and snack were served to us by the crew and we were give free access to the bridge.


Valdez, AK

August 17, 2013

This was a day of rest and sleep in. I passed on a chance to go salmon fishing; those that did limited out with 6 silvers each, 30-35 lbs. of fillet. We drove out to Salmon Gulch Hatchery on the opposite side of the harbor near the Oil Pipeline Terminus. No bears, but we saw lots of silver (coho) salmon, tens of thousands in the waters nearby. Shore fisherman had no trouble getting their limit. We saw one bald eagle who watched my every move while I photographed it. Afterwards, Donna and Katherine visited local museums and did some more shopping. They had a hard time getting a Valdez pin for Katherine’s collection, but finally succeeded after a shop owner called around.


Last night the staff cooked us a spaghetti dinner. As usual, no one is suffering from starvation or malnutrition on this Caravan. We had a long travel meeting covering the 3 days it takes to drive from Valdez to Skagway.



Valdez to Tok, AK – A Rainy Day of Travel

August 18, 2013

Today was a 270 mile drive over roads that suffer tremendously from frost heaves. The drive out of Valdez did not seem as bad as the drive in. As the weather was gray and gloomy with lots of rain, the camera got the day off. We did spot 1 black bear up a side road just past Glenallen.


Tok, AK to Destruction Bay, YT

August 19, 2013

Just when you think the roads may be getting better, down falls the road into frost heaves permafrost sink holes. But we made it unscathed except for nerves. The benefit of the day was clearing skies and sunshine and the spectacular Wrangell Mountains off to the west. We arrived at Destruction Bay to a warm welcome from our host, a bar, and a home cooked aged slow cooked roast of beef dinner. After dinner we were treated to a guitar concert by the owner and his friend, oldies country. They can pick and sing! As the evening ended the beer was still flowing. Several of us Peter, Jeff, and I hung out for a bit. Jeff smartly left and shortly thereafter this English gentleman, also visiting brought out his bottle of fine Scotch…so smoooooth!


Destruction Bay, YT to Skagway, AK

August 20, 2013

The sun stayed with us and good roads prevailed. Donna even drove for 90 miles while I slept in the back. Of course we drove through Whitehorse to grocery shop and saw the no longer baby Bald Eagle sitting on the edge of the nest near the south end of town. We made it through Customs just fine and crawled down the 11 mile, 11% grade into Skagway. Upon arriving we found out our tail ender had a flat on one of his duals and another blew a front tire on his toad, wrecked the rim too.

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