Sunday, August 25, 2013

Valdez, Coho Salmon, Spaghetti Dinner and A Rainy Day of Travel

Valdez, AK

August 17, 2013

This was a day of rest and sleep in. I passed on a chance to go salmon fishing; those that did limited out with 6 silvers each, 30-35 lbs. of fillet. We drove out to Salmon Gulch Hatchery on the opposite side of the harbor near the Oil Pipeline Terminus. No bears, but we saw lots of silver (coho) salmon, tens of thousands in the waters nearby. Shore fisherman had no trouble getting their limit. We saw one bald eagle who watched my every move while I photographed it. Afterwards, Donna and Katherine visited local museums and did some more shopping. They had a hard time getting a Valdez pin for Katherine’s collection, but finally succeeded after a shop owner called around.

Salmon Gulch - Yes those shadows are Coho salmon

More Cohos with Hatchery in the background...a few sea gulls too!

All those shadows are hundreds of Coho Salmon


Last night the staff cooked us a spaghetti dinner. As usual, no one is suffering from starvation or malnutrition on this Caravan. We had a long travel meeting covering the 3 days it takes to drive from Valdez to Skagway.



Valdez to Tok, AK – A Rainy Day of Travel

August 18, 2013

Today was a 270 mile drive over roads that suffer tremendously from frost heaves. The drive out of Valdez did not seem as bad as the drive in. As the weather was gray and gloomy with lots of rain, the camera got the day off. We did spot 1 black bear up a side road just past Glenallen.

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