Sunday, August 25, 2013

Travel, Wrangell Mountains, Party, and Aftermath

Tok, AK to Destruction Bay, YT

August 19, 2013

Just when you think the roads may be getting better, down falls the road into frost heaves permafrost sink holes. But we made it unscathed except for nerves. The benefit of the day was clearing skies and sunshine and the spectacular Wrangell Mountains off to the west. We arrived at Destruction Bay to a warm welcome from our host, a bar, and a home cooked aged slow cooked roast of beef dinner. After dinner we were treated to a guitar concert by the owner and his friend, oldies country. They can pick and sing! As the evening ended the beer was still flowing. Several of us Peter, Jeff, and I hung out for a bit. Jeff smartly left and shortly thereafter this English gentleman, also visiting brought out his bottle of fine Scotch…so smoooooth!

Wrangell Mountains


Our Outstanding Hosts

The fuzzy inebriated (some) crew.

The culprit

Tim ?? An outstanding player and singer.

Destruction Bay, YT to Skagway, AK

August 20, 2013

The sun stayed with us and good roads prevailed. Donna even drove for 90 miles while I slept in the back. Of course we drove through Whitehorse to grocery shop and saw the no longer baby Bald Eagle sitting on the edge of the nest near the south end of town. We made it through Customs just fine and crawled down the 11 mile, 11% grade into Skagway. Upon arriving we found out our tail ender had a flat on one of his duals and another blew a front tire on his toad, wrecked the rim too.

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