Friday, August 9, 2013

A Day of Rest and a Day of Travel

A Day of Rest

August 8, 2013

We did not get up until after 9 am and enjoyed a relaxing breakfast for a change. We took a drive up on the ridge along Kachemak Bay with our friends Ron and Karen. We had some great view of the glaciers across the bay on the peninsula. We eventually wound up on The Homer Spit and of course had to make the obligatory stop at the Salty Dawg Saloon, which is known locally as a tourist shop with a liquor license. We had to have a Salty Dawg, what else? That’s vodka and grapefruit juice with a salted rim on the glass. The only change since 1989 is no more saw dust on the floor and no smoking. The same owner is still there, but for some reason he didn’t remember Vern and I. There are also more shops selling tourist stuff out on the spit.

The Homer Spit and mountain and glaciers across Kachemak Bay

Inside the dollar bill cave at the Salty Dawg. BTW, the bartender was here in 1989 too. He owns the place. Only differences no smoking and no sawdust on the floor.

Ron, Karen, Donna, Katherine

North End of Kachemak Bay. Note the 2 glaciers in the valley

On a serious note, The Department of Inferior has proposed to reduce the daily limit for charter boat customers to 1 halibut per day and give those fish to the commercial fisherman. This will kill the charter boat industry, all small business owners. Who will spend $150 or more for 1 effing fish! Please send letters to your congress-critters to protest this action, like those a-holes will do anything but go on vacation again. This is nothing more than a wonton attack on Sportfishermen everywhere. Where will these bozos strike next? If there is a documentable problem with halibut fishery management then apply the fix to EVERYONE, not just one group.

Homer to Seward. Alaska
August 9, 2013

This was a travel day with showers and rain as we arrived in Seward. Since they allowed rig washing I decided to have at it. So the rig and Suzuki got another bath. At least they will be clean for 4 nights while here in Seward.

Golly Gee! The blog is up-to-date.  And it get's dark at night!! I'm now scared of the dark! Not!

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