Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We Lost Our Tail-ender

Dease Lake to Stewart, BC

August 26, 2013

This day (yesterday now) started out with tough driving roads, got good, then just at the end, a real mess topped it off. We did good, but our tail-ender suffered a major casualty, his radiator on a diesel pusher got holed. He got loaded on an 18-wheeler for a haul to a Freightliner Dealer about 200 miles from here this afternoon (8-27). OH CRAP!

A wide load giving us a rest while he crawled up the road.

Mountains along the drive down BC37


Otherwise, it was a nice picturesque drive south. We had a great burger at the Lodge at Bell Crossing that specializes in Helicopter Ski packages in winter. Since BC is “Electrifying” the BC37 corridor (Cassiar Highway) up to Dease Lake, it may become anew major winter getaway.  As we turned toward Stewart the mountains grew beautiful hanging glaciers with many waterfalls.

BC37A into Stewart

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