Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Resurrection Bay Wildlife Cruise

August 11, 2013

Our tour today was a lunch cruise of Resurrection Bay. Unlike yesterday when the clouds broke and we had some sunshine, we had only Alaskan sunshine today. Read rain, heavy at time, with fog and drizzle and temperatures in the low 50’s. Nevertheless, we did get to see some wildlife, a sea otter, Bald Eagles, puffins of both varieties, Murres, Stellar Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, and jumping Coho Salmon. Yes the Coho run here is on. We had a great lunch buffet that included baked coho and prime rib. We had so much to eat we skipped dinner again. It wasn’t a good day for picture taking but I did take a few.

Stellar Sea Lions

Iceberg from Bear Glacier. It is in the lake behind the terminal moraine.

Day Off

August 12, 2013

The day is just what the title says. We did go downtown. The Zaandam left last night and the town was slow and sleepy with only a few Celebrity souls wandering about town. I did get some more pictures of the town murals and have added a picture of Exit Glacier from Saturday.

Exit Glacier from times past.

Red's Burgers - Best Burgers in Seward

Exit Glacier

Exit Glacier - Note the absence of ice pinnacles from the painting above. They are gone!

Oh yeah, we had our fish fry this evening. Thanks to one of our fellow travelers who donated their entire catch, we engorged ourselves with about 35 lbs. of halibut. We won't talk about Margaritaville!


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