Monday, September 2, 2013

R & R - Bears!

Prince George, BC – R & R

August 31 – September 1, 2013

We slept, we shopped, we cleaned, we napped, and we basically recharged our batteries after 61 days of pure go-go-go.

Sunday afternoon we went to the Prince George Visitor Center to get Katherine her pin and then went on an impromptu ride north on BC97. We found a fresh produce stand with great peaches, corn, and tomatoes from Okanagon area of BC…just as good as home. About 5 miles north of the PG line, we were starkly reminded this wasn’t Kansas Toto. We were still way out in wild country. Out in a field Donna spotted one huge, jet black momma bear, one cub jet black, and one cub cinnamon brown. No camera with us, so no pictures.

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