Saturday, September 21, 2013

Grand Teton National Park – Big Honking Mountains and Yellowstone Surprise

Grand Teton National Park – Big Honking Mountains

September 17, 2013

Due to overnight heavy thunderstorms followed by heavy rain we slept in until 0900. What the hay? We headed south anyway hoping for breaks. We got them as the storms were scattered with nice breaks in between. We got lots of pictures of the mountains in Grand Teton NP. What we did not see were Moose. Bah Humbug! We did see a deer and a small herd of Prong Horns, horses, and many Aspen and Birch tree turning yellow to orange. All in all we had a good final day of touring on this trip. We start our journey eastward tomorrow with a long drive to Medora, ND. Maybe good internet and I can catch up some on these back-logged blogs. What’s TV or televis—or something like that? I also have this strange sensation dates and days of the week have meaning or importance.

Jackson Lake - normal lens




Jackson Lake - Wide Angle camera

Jenny Lake View

Yellowstone National Park to Medora, ND – Two Final Surprises from YNP

September 18, 2013

So we hit the road after a night of heavy rain and gaze off to the east and the mountains…well I’ll be, THAT is snow atop them mountains. We missed out at 7800’, but at 9000’ or so all the mountain tops were white with the first snow of the Fall Season. It is time to head to lower elevations. Our second surprise was passed on by a truck driver…bear ahead on the right. You know if you try hard enough and don’t worry about the slope, you can get a motorhome and car off the road. OK the outer dual on the roadside was a bit off the ground. But I got my pictures of bear number 6, another grizzly.

Da Bear


Da Snow

We drove through Cody, WY and we will have to get back to visit Shane and Robin. It is a beautiful area that needs some exploring.

Nearing Cody, Buffalo Bill Reservoir - looking back west towards Yellowstone

Driving north towards Montana


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