Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to Jasper NP, Maligne Lake, Jumping Chinook, Bull Elk, & Big Horn Sheep Ram

Valemount, BC – Back to Jasper NP, Maligne Lake, Jumping Chinook, Bull Elk, & Big Horn Sheep Ram

September 3, 2013

We missed out on Maligne Lake on the way north, so went back today since it was another picture perfect day.

This morning looking west from Valemount

Mount Robson in eastern BC

Once in Jasper NP we saw a large Bull Elk graving besides the road. The picture will tell all. On the drive out to Maligne Lake a crowd on the road signified wildlife on Medicine Lake bed. This was a herd of Big Horn Sheep lazily passing the day. One real nice Ram led the herd.  Medicine Lake is interesting, the Maligne River roars into the lake, but the outflow bed is dry for several miles. The river goes underground and only during spring runoff is there any outflow from the lake.


Maligne River flowing to Medicine Lake

Medicine Lake

We got on the 1PM boat excursion out to Spirit Island. The scenery out and back was spectacular. We got lots of great pictures despite some clouds coming in. It was pleasantly warm to make it an extra special ride as we lucked out and got the front row of seats.

Spirit Island is in the background

Eastern shore of Maligne Lake

Lower third of Maligne Lake - no powered boats beyond the photo point.

Stunning mountains along eastern lakeshore

Close-up of circular rock formation

Maligne Lake Boat House (circa 1928)


On the way back in BC, we stopped at Rearguard Falls to see if any Chinook Salmon were around. They were and we saw several try to jump the falls. I was actually ready with the camera this time and actually got photos of 2 of them. One was a spectacular leap and we caught that one in mid-flight well above the water.


Rearguard Falls - Flying Chinook or King Salmon on Fraser River 800 miles upstream from Vancouver, BC.

Tomorrow we are back on the road as we head south to Revelstoke, BC. There are 2 more Canadian National Parks in the vicinity to visit plus who knows what other mischief I can find! BTW, Donna is still complaining about scratches on the Suzuki.

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