Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Dash to Great Falls

We were on the road at 0615 with sunny skies, cool temperatures and no wind. The no wind part lasted until noon when the heavy headwinds cropped up. I had to slow down to 57mph. We traveled across Montana on MT200, a very good 2 lane road. We saw several indications of life in the past, such as old country stores, old wooden grain elevators, one old sod home, an abandoned ranch with two old wooden box cars. Unfortunately, there were no places to stop to take pictures. We saw more antelope and a coyote. One ranch featured a massive Black Angus bull. He was ambling along like he owned the place.

We stopped for lunch in Lewiston, MT at Docs OK Korral, a combination restaurant, bar, and casino. The food was good and the service was super-fast, especially for cooked to order burgers. I took some pictures with the dash cam and even tried some video in the Bad Lands area. Well, I could not upload the video, too big? The picture below is typical of eastern Montana. The prairie goes on forever. I cannot comprehend crossing it in times past by horse, by walking or by wagon.

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